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PERS IAP Member Choice Open Window

September 01, 2022

September 1st marks the first day of the PERS IAP Member Choice open window.  Annually, Oregon PERS allows for members to change their Target Date Fund investments inside their IAP accounts to better align with their goals and risk tolerance.  Members will have from September 1st through the 30th to make any investment changes.  Those changes will become effective in IAP accounts on January 1st, 2023.

For more information, including a review of available target date funds and a step by step guide to making changes, please click on the link below to review the details directly from PERS.

PERS Member Choice Page

As always, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you have or if you'd like to discuss how this may impact your particular situation.

*The target date of a target date fund may be a useful starting point in selecting a fund, but investors should not rely solely on the date when choosing a fund or deciding to remain invested in one. Investors should consider funds' asset allocation over the whole life of the fund. Often target date funds invest in other mutual funds and fees may be charged by both the target date fund and the underlying mutual funds. The principal value of these funds is not guaranteed at any time, including at the target date.